Welcome to Shaac Consulting Services.
Thanks for visiting Shaac Consulting Services. We believe you made a good choice for, if you are thinking to drill a well or to survey one in Somali region of Ethiopia and Somalia. Shaac Consulting Services is a private company specialized on hydro geological Consulting Services and Water Well Drilling Services.
Founded in 2003 and headquartered in jig-jiga, Ethiopia. The company is certified and meets local, state and federal government standard.
Whether you are thinking about drilling water well on your property or about buying land and would like to know the potential for drilling on that property, you should consider many things. There are no simple solutions, no detailed maps of ground-water presence and no guarantees.
But, Shaac consulting can help you when making a decision about whether to drill or where to drill. Shaac consulting has the knowledge, experience and resource to consider when evaluating water-well potential and outlines basic steps to get the information you need.
Therefore, we begin with a brief discussion of basic principles that govern ground-water occurrences. Then, we consider the available information and decide whether to drill or where to drill.
The main focus of the company is on client success. This is achieved by listening to the customerâs needs and implementing key features that they request, by using practical applications, and by offering unequivocal technical services and customer support.